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Apple wants to develop their own car and want to put the latest techniques and technology of it!

In March of this year leaked news to the effect that  Apple was looking for an engineer cars the thing that made ​​many wonder what is the size of technology that you want Apple to access it now unveiled this question, which looked a lot to know Fsharkp Apple and after development of mobile smart start of the first generation and so far, was the subject of interest in the development of a car of their own

And Here is the news today in your hands, and answer the question that puzzled many Fsharkp Apple began developing the first model of her car, which was submitted patent to the court, and now have been initiated in this development, however, and that we came out of the question, baffling, it adds new questions are confusing, what is the composition of the car after the development of Apple's future and what is new with this type of car??

Phone inside the computer

As in the movie Transformers but this time not even a radio telephone

Folding technique is a technique in short future, and all inventions and innovations that resort to this technique are Of interest or the idea of ​​genius!

From the title you know that the future of this invention contains a telephone and a computer at the same time. Beautiful design And unique of its kind contains four folds and a portfolio of palm give elegance and natural beauty, despite Advanced technology, and size of the palm-sized or a small notebook that is light weight.

The surprise is to keep this design crystal screen because it gave him the charm and elegance. I can not say, but this design is the invention of the future.

Designed by Park Hyun Jin and the next picture shows how to turn the phone to the computer a wonderful and beautiful

Card of love for lovers of shopping

This invention is called the "love card" and is designed specifically for blind and elderly people who find difficulties in shopping. So what is this invention? It is a card based on a digital system to automatically determine the frequencies and with this system can capture Information on labels affixed to the goods to be purchased and given to the consumer via voice messages.

Stylish and attractive design, compact and easy to carry like a credit card, the design of the card gives you all the The information you need while shopping. Many people do not see the shelf life and this is a big mistake, In addition to giving you a price, or price of the product and this is the most important. I find this invention is an exciting and ought to be in every market where shopping will make it smoother and more enjoyable. In short it is the invention of the future. Designed by Shen Ming and this image shows the way the card Love

Phone bracelet

At first glance Stznon bracelet that only normal but then you will find a sudden and technology and of course a great future

It all requirements of modern phone these days and features a multi-screen and a great example, are transparent For the withdrawal of the bracelet in an easy and do not need to the world in nuclear physics to take it out!! .. It is also characterized by Work in a perfect and practical, thanks to design attractive and beautiful lighting that surround it. The touch technology is the method adopted in the control of the bracelet.

Regardless of the obvious features that you can find in this sophisticated phone, you have the capability View Videos, movies, music and reading books and surfing the Web, chat, and many others. With the present invention will become fully digital world in your wrist! This phone is designed Alexey Chugunnikov, and this image reflects how drag Transparent screen from the base of the bracelet